Pls take some time to read this letter from Trench Tech Inc. President, Cuki Alvarez. This letter is in regards to the CNMI Local Bill 16-26. Pls take some time to read and understand this. This is very important and is vital in the world of MMA for the CNMI. Spread this to EVERYONE!
The supposed bill that Rep. Stanley Torres is trying to pass on regulating MMA is based on the Nevada State Athletic Commission's rules and regulation and format! He copied it VERBATIM! It simply cannot work on our small little island.
Dear All,
I'm writing to get your take on Rep.Stanley T. Torres' proposed legislation to form an Athletic Commission to mandate MMA in the CNMI. He was quoted in the Tribune and Variety today as saying a commission MUST be formed to regulate the sport because it is "TOO BRUTAL" and "TOO VIOLENT" and is introducing local bill 16-26. Please feel free to email me back on your comments and opinions. Pros?, Cons? etc...
This is my take:
In ALL the 4 years that MMA has been in the CNMI entertaining fans of all ages and conducting top quality caliber events, there has been absolutely NO serious injuries in the ring. Statistically, MMA is by far more safer than boxing as far as serious injuries and deaths are concerned.There are many more ways to win a match in MMA as opposed to boxing.
In boxing, a fighter is hit 90% of the time in the head and face. It (boxing) focuses on attacking/punching a fighter's head and face for 10 - 12 rounds at 3 minutes per round and that's where the danger is. Head trauma is more likely to occur this way.
In MMA, there are only 3 rounds (except in professional leagues such as the UFC and WEC Championship bouts where it is 5 rounds). Each round is 3-5minutes. There are numerous ways to win or defeat your opponent:
1. You can KO ( knock out) your opponent just like in boxing.
2. TKO ( referee stoppage, verbal submission- fighter can quit at anytime)
3. Submit your opponent/ Tap Out
a. choke them until he/she gives up( triangle, rear naked, guillotine,head and arm, Darce etc.)
b. joint locks ( arm bar, knee bar, wrist lock,shoulder lock, ankle lock neck crank and etc.)
c. crucifix
4. Corner throws in the towel
5. Judges decision (scorecards)
6. Disqualification
*There is no standing 8 count in MMA...once the referee feels that the fighter is in iminent danger, the referee and fight doctor can and will stop the fight at anytime.
*In our rules(UNIVERSAL MMA rules), a fighter can win by any of the above ways thus substantially decreasing the chances of head/brain injuries and serious injuries. A ring side physician MUST be present during an event at ALL times and has the authority to call off the fight if he feels in his professional opinion that the fighter's livelihood and safety are in jeopardy. We have referees with years of experience looking out for the well being and best interest of the every fighter. He is well versed and well educated in the MMA dos and dont's as set forth in the international rules. ( you can download MMA rules on the internet). We also regulate rules on all illegal tactics in the ring. MMA is not a street fight or a brutal cockfight type contest as some people perceive it to be.
For example: a fighter can't bite,scratch, pull hair, pinch, grab clothes, use the ring as leverage(hold onto the fence or ropes), hit or attack the groin, gouge the eyes, attack the back of the opponent's head,neck or spine,spit, kick a "downed" opponent, apply certain joint locks such as small joints(fingers and toes), use weapons of any kind, attack the adam's apple or crush the windpipe and there ALWAYS is a fighters meeting on rules and regulations during the official weigh ins (where fighters are matched by weight).
* You can download MMA fight rules on the internet for more info.
There are more injuries in basketball, soccer and baseball; pulled hamstrings, sprained ankles, shin splints, strains, torn muscles, busted ligaments etc.. and more broken bones in skateboarding, motocross and football than there are injuries in MMA.
Do I think MMA is violent? Sure it can be potentially violent, but so is wrestling, boxing, tae kwon do, karate, kyoku shin kai, kung fu and horse playing! It's how you train and prepare yourself both physically and mentally and knowing your limits and capabilities that's important . Knowing your limits and capabilities will lower your chances of getting injured.
NOTHING in life is full proof and nothing is a guarantee you will not get hurt. Heck, you can live through a 10 year war as a soldier fighting the front lines then come home and get hit by a car. Life is a chance and we take chances everyday.
Is MMA violent? It sure can be, but MMA is conducted in a controlled environment with rules and regulations where doctors are present, and referees enforcing the rules. Even grudge matches are fought and most end with everlasting friendships. Grudge matches in TRENCH WARZ are fought with the rule that -THE GRUDGE ENDS IN THE RING AND THE TWO COMBATANTS WALK OUT AS FRIENDS.
We have a code of conduct at our gym and in our rules about respect and behavior before, during and after and MMA event. More friends are made inside the octagon ring than on the streets. As our adage goes: "We create friendships through fighting".
Less fights are happening outside on the streets since the introduction of MMA to Saipan. More and more kids and adults as well are now focusing on training at numerous MMA academies around the island and taking this concept as a legitimate sport wherein they can apply and test their skills in a controlled, regulated environment. Win or lose, they learn to become better fighters but more importantly, better people. Respect is earned and respect is given on both sides. The fight ends in the ring and any fighter that breaks the rules loses out on a chance to participate in future events
Rep. Stanley Torres kinda makes it sound like we run our operation "out of control" or something...Mind you, we've had over over 14 successful MMA events to date with nothing but positive results. We have produced local talent who are ambassadors of the CNMI in the sport of MMA who travel to China, Korea, Japan, Guam ,the Philippines and the United States and have participated in numerous contests(MMA EVENTS) in those countries and around the world! Some of these local warriors have the potential to make a great living fighting professionally. We only encourage them to fulfill their dreams and goals...we never discourage them. That's how I believe champions are bred.
We know that not everyone agrees or supports what we do, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. That's what living in America is all about. Look at the CNMI government.... they are always disagreeing with each other. Need I say more?
Can we control and watch over every fighters actions? Can we control every fighters or anyone's behavior outside of the ring for that matter? Certainly not. But what I can truly say is that with MMA and through events such as TRENCH WARZ and other unarmed combat challenges, we have come closer together as a community and as a people and have made more friends than enemies both locally and internationally through this wonderful sport we call MMA!
Please reflect for a moment on what Rep.Torres mentioned. That -MMA has to be regulated and that we have to be licensed so we can pay(give) more money to the government.Our ailing government at that. Is paying for a business license, ABC license, social security for your employees, labor and immigration application fees, zoning fees, police clearances, workman's comp and most especially BGRTs not paying your dues to the CNMI government?
We are all simple, hardworking citizens following the laws of our Commonwealth just trying to survive the economic crisis and doing what we can to give a healthy dose of excitement and adrenalin pumping MMA action to the people of the CNMI. We all enjoy entertainment of this kind. In fact, many Major Corporate sponsors support the MMA movement around the world and the sport has become more mainstream than ever. Saipan is no different.
With our island community being so small in population and sheer numbers, I personally think it would be detrimental to the future of the sport of MMA and MMA events if the proposed commission Rep.Torres has in mind pushes through. It is not that we don't support the cause. In fact, we agree with some of the literature. Delegating a counsel of Doctors for the fighters best interest on health issues isn't something we disagree on. What I do disagree on however is all the price setting on bonding fees and regulation fees he plans on implementing that will be mandatory for everyone involved to pay, promoters and fighters as well. ( I had a chance to go over some of the legislation he has in mind). You can download local law 16-26 on the internet.
Let me give you a real brief scenario on some of his requirements: All fighters will be required to a CAT scan and a CAT scan isn't cheap even with insurance. Blood tests such as HIV & AIDS & etc...may be free, but what about the cost just to see the doctor? All fighters would have to apply and pay for a fighter license and corner man's license.
I wouldn't mind paying those expensive,ridiculous high priced fees if I had $$$ growing in trees and coming out of my CUC bill or if I won the billion dollar lottery. If this proposed commission is an honest, sincere intention to look out for the well being of the fighters then I support it. But I can assure you that the prices that will be implemented will be very discouraging. We would have to fork out all the service fees plus give them a percentage of our revenue and sales on top of paying our BGRTs.
It's tough enough just paying taxes, not to mention paying highly qualified CPA's to do your taxes...and don't forget- entry permit fees and licensing fees and other fees associated with owning a business such as employee salary, housing & etc..
We all are struggling to stay afloat. We are all struggling just to tread water. TRENCH TECH is no different. We are struggling too.We do what we love and we love what we do but I already know the intention of this proposed commission. It's to put the "nail in the coffin"on the future of humble entrepreneurs like you and me but even worse yet -on the future of MMA in the CNMI. Not because of what the commission is intended for, but because of the outrageous prices that will be fixed on the fees that must be payed to the proposed commission for their services.
Rep. Torres also mentions about regulating the age of participants and spectators as well. Let us remember always that the youth are our future and we should never under estimate the mind and capabilities of a child. We should always praise our children and encourage them to succeed in life and give them opportunities and outlets to conduct all types of activities...even if its MMA. It really comes down to education and responsibility and leading by example. It comes down to discipline and knowing your child's limits as well as what they excel in. It comes down to guidance and application.
Thank you for reading and like I said, feel free to comment and give me your opinion on this local law 16-26. I wuold like to listen and get your perspective and point of view.
Yours in MMA,
Justis F. "Cuki" Alvarez
The supposed bill that Rep. Stanley Torres is trying to pass on regulating MMA is based on the Nevada State Athletic Commission's rules and regulation and format! He copied it VERBATIM! It simply cannot work on our small little island.
Dear All,
I'm writing to get your take on Rep.Stanley T. Torres' proposed legislation to form an Athletic Commission to mandate MMA in the CNMI. He was quoted in the Tribune and Variety today as saying a commission MUST be formed to regulate the sport because it is "TOO BRUTAL" and "TOO VIOLENT" and is introducing local bill 16-26. Please feel free to email me back on your comments and opinions. Pros?, Cons? etc...
This is my take:
In ALL the 4 years that MMA has been in the CNMI entertaining fans of all ages and conducting top quality caliber events, there has been absolutely NO serious injuries in the ring. Statistically, MMA is by far more safer than boxing as far as serious injuries and deaths are concerned.There are many more ways to win a match in MMA as opposed to boxing.
In boxing, a fighter is hit 90% of the time in the head and face. It (boxing) focuses on attacking/punching a fighter's head and face for 10 - 12 rounds at 3 minutes per round and that's where the danger is. Head trauma is more likely to occur this way.
In MMA, there are only 3 rounds (except in professional leagues such as the UFC and WEC Championship bouts where it is 5 rounds). Each round is 3-5minutes. There are numerous ways to win or defeat your opponent:
1. You can KO ( knock out) your opponent just like in boxing.
2. TKO ( referee stoppage, verbal submission- fighter can quit at anytime)
3. Submit your opponent/ Tap Out
a. choke them until he/she gives up( triangle, rear naked, guillotine,head and arm, Darce etc.)
b. joint locks ( arm bar, knee bar, wrist lock,shoulder lock, ankle lock neck crank and etc.)
c. crucifix
4. Corner throws in the towel
5. Judges decision (scorecards)
6. Disqualification
*There is no standing 8 count in MMA...once the referee feels that the fighter is in iminent danger, the referee and fight doctor can and will stop the fight at anytime.
*In our rules(UNIVERSAL MMA rules), a fighter can win by any of the above ways thus substantially decreasing the chances of head/brain injuries and serious injuries. A ring side physician MUST be present during an event at ALL times and has the authority to call off the fight if he feels in his professional opinion that the fighter's livelihood and safety are in jeopardy. We have referees with years of experience looking out for the well being and best interest of the every fighter. He is well versed and well educated in the MMA dos and dont's as set forth in the international rules. ( you can download MMA rules on the internet). We also regulate rules on all illegal tactics in the ring. MMA is not a street fight or a brutal cockfight type contest as some people perceive it to be.
For example: a fighter can't bite,scratch, pull hair, pinch, grab clothes, use the ring as leverage(hold onto the fence or ropes), hit or attack the groin, gouge the eyes, attack the back of the opponent's head,neck or spine,spit, kick a "downed" opponent, apply certain joint locks such as small joints(fingers and toes), use weapons of any kind, attack the adam's apple or crush the windpipe and there ALWAYS is a fighters meeting on rules and regulations during the official weigh ins (where fighters are matched by weight).
* You can download MMA fight rules on the internet for more info.
There are more injuries in basketball, soccer and baseball; pulled hamstrings, sprained ankles, shin splints, strains, torn muscles, busted ligaments etc.. and more broken bones in skateboarding, motocross and football than there are injuries in MMA.
Do I think MMA is violent? Sure it can be potentially violent, but so is wrestling, boxing, tae kwon do, karate, kyoku shin kai, kung fu and horse playing! It's how you train and prepare yourself both physically and mentally and knowing your limits and capabilities that's important . Knowing your limits and capabilities will lower your chances of getting injured.
NOTHING in life is full proof and nothing is a guarantee you will not get hurt. Heck, you can live through a 10 year war as a soldier fighting the front lines then come home and get hit by a car. Life is a chance and we take chances everyday.
Is MMA violent? It sure can be, but MMA is conducted in a controlled environment with rules and regulations where doctors are present, and referees enforcing the rules. Even grudge matches are fought and most end with everlasting friendships. Grudge matches in TRENCH WARZ are fought with the rule that -THE GRUDGE ENDS IN THE RING AND THE TWO COMBATANTS WALK OUT AS FRIENDS.
We have a code of conduct at our gym and in our rules about respect and behavior before, during and after and MMA event. More friends are made inside the octagon ring than on the streets. As our adage goes: "We create friendships through fighting".
Less fights are happening outside on the streets since the introduction of MMA to Saipan. More and more kids and adults as well are now focusing on training at numerous MMA academies around the island and taking this concept as a legitimate sport wherein they can apply and test their skills in a controlled, regulated environment. Win or lose, they learn to become better fighters but more importantly, better people. Respect is earned and respect is given on both sides. The fight ends in the ring and any fighter that breaks the rules loses out on a chance to participate in future events
Rep. Stanley Torres kinda makes it sound like we run our operation "out of control" or something...Mind you, we've had over over 14 successful MMA events to date with nothing but positive results. We have produced local talent who are ambassadors of the CNMI in the sport of MMA who travel to China, Korea, Japan, Guam ,the Philippines and the United States and have participated in numerous contests(MMA EVENTS) in those countries and around the world! Some of these local warriors have the potential to make a great living fighting professionally. We only encourage them to fulfill their dreams and goals...we never discourage them. That's how I believe champions are bred.
We know that not everyone agrees or supports what we do, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. That's what living in America is all about. Look at the CNMI government.... they are always disagreeing with each other. Need I say more?
Can we control and watch over every fighters actions? Can we control every fighters or anyone's behavior outside of the ring for that matter? Certainly not. But what I can truly say is that with MMA and through events such as TRENCH WARZ and other unarmed combat challenges, we have come closer together as a community and as a people and have made more friends than enemies both locally and internationally through this wonderful sport we call MMA!
Please reflect for a moment on what Rep.Torres mentioned. That -MMA has to be regulated and that we have to be licensed so we can pay(give) more money to the government.Our ailing government at that. Is paying for a business license, ABC license, social security for your employees, labor and immigration application fees, zoning fees, police clearances, workman's comp and most especially BGRTs not paying your dues to the CNMI government?
We are all simple, hardworking citizens following the laws of our Commonwealth just trying to survive the economic crisis and doing what we can to give a healthy dose of excitement and adrenalin pumping MMA action to the people of the CNMI. We all enjoy entertainment of this kind. In fact, many Major Corporate sponsors support the MMA movement around the world and the sport has become more mainstream than ever. Saipan is no different.
With our island community being so small in population and sheer numbers, I personally think it would be detrimental to the future of the sport of MMA and MMA events if the proposed commission Rep.Torres has in mind pushes through. It is not that we don't support the cause. In fact, we agree with some of the literature. Delegating a counsel of Doctors for the fighters best interest on health issues isn't something we disagree on. What I do disagree on however is all the price setting on bonding fees and regulation fees he plans on implementing that will be mandatory for everyone involved to pay, promoters and fighters as well. ( I had a chance to go over some of the legislation he has in mind). You can download local law 16-26 on the internet.
Let me give you a real brief scenario on some of his requirements: All fighters will be required to a CAT scan and a CAT scan isn't cheap even with insurance. Blood tests such as HIV & AIDS & etc...may be free, but what about the cost just to see the doctor? All fighters would have to apply and pay for a fighter license and corner man's license.
I wouldn't mind paying those expensive,ridiculous high priced fees if I had $$$ growing in trees and coming out of my CUC bill or if I won the billion dollar lottery. If this proposed commission is an honest, sincere intention to look out for the well being of the fighters then I support it. But I can assure you that the prices that will be implemented will be very discouraging. We would have to fork out all the service fees plus give them a percentage of our revenue and sales on top of paying our BGRTs.
It's tough enough just paying taxes, not to mention paying highly qualified CPA's to do your taxes...and don't forget- entry permit fees and licensing fees and other fees associated with owning a business such as employee salary, housing & etc..
We all are struggling to stay afloat. We are all struggling just to tread water. TRENCH TECH is no different. We are struggling too.We do what we love and we love what we do but I already know the intention of this proposed commission. It's to put the "nail in the coffin"on the future of humble entrepreneurs like you and me but even worse yet -on the future of MMA in the CNMI. Not because of what the commission is intended for, but because of the outrageous prices that will be fixed on the fees that must be payed to the proposed commission for their services.
Rep. Torres also mentions about regulating the age of participants and spectators as well. Let us remember always that the youth are our future and we should never under estimate the mind and capabilities of a child. We should always praise our children and encourage them to succeed in life and give them opportunities and outlets to conduct all types of activities...even if its MMA. It really comes down to education and responsibility and leading by example. It comes down to discipline and knowing your child's limits as well as what they excel in. It comes down to guidance and application.
Thank you for reading and like I said, feel free to comment and give me your opinion on this local law 16-26. I wuold like to listen and get your perspective and point of view.
Yours in MMA,
Justis F. "Cuki" Alvarez
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