Posted by R0B On 2:01 AM
Whattup everyone, welcome to the OFFICIAL - SALBAHE' CO. online blog! This is the spot where you can check out the latest in what's poppin' off in the world of Salbahe'. We will also put out exclusive sneak peeks, projects, designs, photos, and all that other good s#!t, so stay posted! Feel free to hit us up, leave comments, suggestions, or whatever the f#*k is on your mind. Thanks for all the love&support and we will continue to bring you that disFUNKshünal flavor for all your naughty (and non-naughty) occa$ions. Look out for the OFFICIAL - Salbahe' Brand website (www.salbahebrand.com) comin' to a computer near you. Stay up, don't sleep!

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