28th Flame Tree Fest is a wrap

Posted by R0B On 12:29 AM

Photo from left-right: Frank Cabrera (Magas StressFree CNMI), Ron Mostales (Lakas Tama), Cuki Alvarez (Trench Tech), Rolly Del Rosario (Pongai/Solid Gear), Rob Travilla (Salbahe' Brand), Dustin Camacho (Chow It Gear), Jesse Tudela (iSland Brand)

Just wanna thank everyone for comin' out to the 28th Annual Flame Tree Arts Fest and supportin' the local artists of the Marianas. Artists from all over the CNMI and Guam were there showcasin' their skills, talents, and crafts..so thank you very very much for all the love&support. A big big shoutout and Thank-You's go out to all those who came out and supported the 67ZR0 RockSteady Shop (boothA38). In my eyes, it was a very successful 4-Day event and it wouldn't be successful without all of you, so on behalf of the all the boys from the 67ZR0 RockSteady: Thank You very very much and we will continue to dish out that good $h!t, if you missed us at the FlameTree, check it out @ Gualo Rai, Saipan - Open DAILY. To all the Local Artists that came out and showcased your skills & love for the Arts: Keep doin' what you guys do best, see you guys next year!

1 Response to '28th Flame Tree Fest is a wrap'

  1. Dus said...
    April 28, 2009 at 1:41 PM

    that's a good picture par...hey everyone just to echo what rob was sayin earlier...thank you to all for comin out and supporting the local artists out here...we ain't shit without you all...know this!...and we gon try to bring it each and every time to make sure we represent the six(6)seven(7)zero(0) to the fullesesesest...love you all...god bless!


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