Press Play to check out: Frank "The Crank" vs. Binky Jones
A big big shout out and Congratulations goes out to Saipan's Frank "The Crank" Camacho, who just recently defeated Ground Control - Baltimore, MD's Binky Jones. The fight took place Saturday, April 25th, 2009 at UWC 6 "Capital Punishment" - GMU - Patriot Center - Fairfax, VA. The Crank, who is training with Team Llyod Irvin - Camp Springs, MD, was the third fight of the night and defeated Binky on the 2nd Round (1:56) via Knock Out! Much luv and big up's to our boy who is always reppin' the 670 and the Trench Tech familia! Rock on Frank!

Make sure you get your tickets for Trench Tech's Rites of Passage 7 - Fists of Fury..goin' down on May 23rd, 2009 @ the Saipan World Resort. $25.00 VIP Admission - Everyone is VIP! Main Event will be the URCC Bantom Weight Champ: Justin "The Shocker" Cruz vs. Derrick "El Peligro" Rangamar. It's gonna be check it out and get your tickets now, on sale at the 67Zr0 RockSteady Shop!
Check out this family portrait/cartoon/ciracature of my Familia done by Greg Flores of Guam. This piece was done on Sunday @ the 28th Annual Flame Tree Arts Festival, took him less than 10 minutes to hook it up. Thanks Greg and good work!

Photo from left-right: Frank Cabrera (Magas StressFree CNMI), Ron Mostales (Lakas Tama), Cuki Alvarez (Trench Tech), Rolly Del Rosario (Pongai/Solid Gear), Rob Travilla (Salbahe' Brand), Dustin Camacho (Chow It Gear), Jesse Tudela (iSland Brand)
Just wanna thank everyone for comin' out to the 28th Annual Flame Tree Arts Fest and supportin' the local artists of the Marianas. Artists from all over the CNMI and Guam were there showcasin' their skills, talents, and thank you very very much for all the love&support. A big big shoutout and Thank-You's go out to all those who came out and supported the 67ZR0 RockSteady Shop (boothA38). In my eyes, it was a very successful 4-Day event and it wouldn't be successful without all of you, so on behalf of the all the boys from the 67ZR0 RockSteady: Thank You very very much and we will continue to dish out that good $h!t, if you missed us at the FlameTree, check it out @ Gualo Rai, Saipan - Open DAILY. To all the Local Artists that came out and showcased your skills & love for the Arts: Keep doin' what you guys do best, see you guys next year!
Peep out some stickers that we'll be selling @ the Flame Tree Arts Fest. If you didn't know or you probably just forgot..The 28th Annual Flame Tree Arts Festival kicked off LAST NIGHT and is rollin' through as you are reading this RIGHT NOW till SUNDAY! So if you didn't check it out, GO CHECK IT OUT! Same place: Susupe, across the Civic Center, across Marianas High School, across the Supreme Court! Check it out. Great food, entertainment, and best of all..ART! Make sure you stop by BOOTH A38..that's the 67ZRO RockSteady Shop, and that's where you can find the latest from Salbahe' Brand & the disFUNKshünaLaFamilia! So make sure to check it out, its goin' down right NOW through SUNDAY!
Here's a sneak peek @ one of the tee's we'll be puttin' out for the 28th Annual Flame Tree Arts Fest. We call this one, "Lights Out" and it's an exclusive GLOW IN THE DARK print! (Chyeah!) So make sure you peep us out @ the Flame Tree Arts Fest goin' down tomorrow, Thursday- April23rd through Sunday- April 26th, 2009 - same as last year's location: Susupe, across the Civic Center. We'll be rockin' it with the 67Zro RockSteady Shop bringin' you the LATEST 'n EXCLUSIVE gear!

SALBAHE' BRAND and the disFUNKshünal LaFAMILIA will be rockin' the 28th Annual Flame Tree Arts Festival, goin' down this Thursday through Sunday, April 23rd-April26th, 2009. Check it out at Susupe across the Civic Center (same location as last year's festival). Salbahe' Co. along with the 67ZRO ROCKSTEADY SHOP will be dishin' out the LATEST gear and a few EXCLUSIVES too, so don't miss out on this annual event. The event will be jam packed with food and entertainment as well. Don't miss out- Support your local artists! Oh and excuse the photo of a billboard for the Arts fest, took a quick snap with my BlackBerry while I was on the road, don't worry I was at a traffic light waiting for the light to go Green. See y'all there!

In honor of "Good Friday" and Holy Week in general, let's take some time to reflect on our sins and Thank the Lord for all the blessings he has showered us with.
My Lord, your son has suffered so much, shed so much blood. I was born with so many faults and my nature is so full of weakness, and yet your son Jesus has died on the cross. For me. I know your grace has the power to cleanse me of my many sins and to make me more like your Son. Thank you for your goodness and love for me. I ask you, Father, to watch over me - always. Amen.
I am a huge Eminem fan and to show sum love&support for the return of the Shady one, I posted up his official bar to your left. This bar allows you to play the first single, "We Made You," off his high anticipated album, Relapse, to release May 19th, 2009. So check it out>>and check out his official site: to watch the music video for "We Made You."
Alright, its OFFICIAL, as of today is UP!....but it still is under construction and I'm bustin' my @ss tryin' to finish it so I can "officially" have it up and running for the world wide web to peep. But anyways- check it out and peep the lil' "coming soon" banner I threw up. Stay Up, Don't Sleep! Stay Posted!

Peep out this hand-painted tee that I did for the wife's friend. It spells out "KAI KAI". Took about an hour and a half to hit up and it turned out pretty good if you ask me. Check it out>>Thanks Francine, REPRESENT!
Whattup everyone, welcome to the OFFICIAL - SALBAHE' CO. online blog! This is the spot where you can check out the latest in what's poppin' off in the world of Salbahe'. We will also put out exclusive sneak peeks, projects, designs, photos, and all that other good s#!t, so stay posted! Feel free to hit us up, leave comments, suggestions, or whatever the f#*k is on your mind. Thanks for all the love&support and we will continue to bring you that disFUNKshünal flavor for all your naughty (and non-naughty) occa$ions. Look out for the OFFICIAL - Salbahe' Brand website ( comin' to a computer near you. Stay up, don't sleep!