One of the godfathers in the Marianas clothing revolution. For those that don't know Rolly, he is the man behind the local clothing brands: PONGAI, SOLID GEAR, and WALANG HIYA. Working for the Art department at Island Apparel, he helped other clothing lines & companies such as Fokai Industries, Fotten Gaga' Representa Company, Salbahe' Brand disFUNKshunal gear, Stress Free Magas CNMI Company, MegaVision El Drako Tattoo, Choke Chain Athletics, Chow It Gear, Trench Tech, 670 RockSteady Shop, Team Exotic, ISland Brand, Figo Brand, Lakas Tama, Shop670, Local Brand and many many more. Rolly was called to eternal life by our heavenly father this morning, Tuesday-June 22, 2010. His memory and his art will live on forever!
Salbahe' & the disFUNKshunal LaFamilia would like to extend our condolences, thoughts & prayers to the entire Del Rosario family. We will never forget you Rolly! We will definitely miss you! You helped us out in many different ways and for that, we are forever grateful. Thank you Rolly! Rest In Peace.
PONGAI & SOLID GEAR from the late Rolly Del Rosario is available at the 670 RockSteady Shop (Middle Rd, Gualo Rai, Saipan). All proceeds from all PONGAI/SOLID GEAR merchandise including jewelry, will be donated to his family. Pls support our brother and pick one up today!
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