Myself & SALBAHE' CO. Manager, Raynard "RayZie" Travilla was in GUAHAN for a week and we came through and stopped by AFFILIATEDxLIFESTYLES, home of the local brand: I ♥ SENSI. AxL's Ian Taitano showed us a lot of luv & hospitality by showing us around the shop, explaining to us about the shop, and also hookin' us up with some AxL gear! AxL also posted up these pics on their official blog: http://www.alguam.blogspot.com/. Thanks for all the luv brutha Ian! and shoutOUTS to the entire AFFILIATEDxLIFESTYLES fambam! Keep up the good work! 670 x 671, we in the building! standUP!

If you're ever in town on GUAM..make sure you stop by
located in 221 Chalan Santo Papa St.
Hagatna, Guam 96932
(under The Venue)
Store Hours:
Mon-Sat 12pm-6pm
Check them online at:
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