Korean Top Team Head Instructor: Mr. Chan Yeol Jeon made a visit to the TRENCH TECH gym in Afetna, San Antonio this past week. He was conducting a 6-day training seminar for jui-jitsu and advanced MMA techniques. I spoke to brutha Cuki Alvarez about it and he mentioned that it was great and they learned A LOT from Mr. Jeon. For all those that checked it out and got a chance to learn some skills'n'tricks from KTT's very own Mr. Chan Yeol Jeon, bigUPS to you 'n keep up the great work!

Here's a shot of KTT Head Instructor, Chan Yeol Jeon w/ Trench Tech President, Cuki Alvarez (I snatched this off Cuki's faceBook (thanks brutha Cuk! haha))
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