Posted by R0B On 3:14 AM
Aiight, just got word from Trench Tech Inc. President, "The Flying Cockroach" Cuki Alvarez about some updates for all the MMA fans on the island.

The 'TRENCH WARZ 10 "COLLISION"' DVD is now available at the 670 RockSteady Shop. Grab a copy 'n check out the event that had Saipan vs. Guam go at it in the Octagon!

Cuki says that 'The Art of War 4' grappling & submission event is set for sometime in October. Stay tuned for more info on that.

And last but not least, 'TRENCH WARZ 11 "REDEMPTION"' is goin' down on December 4th, 2009. Trench Tech changed the name from "BATTLE BRAWL" to "REDEMPTION". Cuki mentioned that Saipan's Giovanni "Palaxi" Sablan vs. Guam's Ryan "The Dentist" Orquizo and previously announced, Guam's Gil "The Guamaniac" Meno vs. Saipan's Jason "The Rush" Tarkong. Its goin' down!!

Stay tuned fight fans!! Its definitely goin' down!!! GYea!!! You heard it hear first people, thanks Cuki!

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