Check it out NOW @ the OFFICIAL Salbahe' MySpace www.myspace.com/salbahebrand >> SALBAHE' 4LIFE! ROUND4: THE FINAL CHAPTER ...Salbahe' Co. Manager, Raynard "RayZie" Travilla's journey through ink&pain as he taTTs the official Salbahe' "S" on the left side of his body! TRUE HEART - COMMITMENT - DEDICATION! Big ups to Raynard on this one and big ups to Al "Alpog" Arao of MegaVision El Drako Tattoo, Saipan for hookin' the brutha up wid this sickA$$ piece!! If you're ever on Saipan and need to get some ink done, make sure you stop by MEGAVISION on GARAPAN across the DFS Galleria, behind The Bank of Guam and see EDONG or AL and they will hook you up right! So log on now and check out the ROAD TO INK&PAIN! 4 SESSIONS..not too sure how many totaled hours but I know it was A LOT! gYEA!!!
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