Much luv/props/support n luv 2 my dudes @ FATAL HITZ ENTERTAINMET for puttin' out a track-tribute they call "SALBAHE' BRAND". The track features MC RYOKU & EAZY FUZION tearin' it up and reppin' it for SALBAHE' and the disFUNKshunal LaFamilia! gYEA gYEA! big ups my dudes! much much luv n respect 4 MC RYOKU, EAZY FUZION and the entire FATAL HITZ famz! Listen to the track and check it out @ the official SALBAHE' MySpace: www.myspace.com/salbahebrand, the official MC Ryoku MySpace: www.myspace.com/mcryoku, and/or the official Eazy Fuzion MySpace: www.myspace.com/eazyfuzion. Keep it up boys!
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